Vektrex customizes systems for client needs using SpikeSafe modules as the foundation. SpikeSafe modules are precision pulsing current sources that form a reliable, high-quality foundation for LED and laser diode test systems. Each SpikeSafe module features
- 1 or more channels (or current sources)
- Maximum compliance voltages from 10V to 400V
- Maximum currents of 500mA to 40A
- Protection algorithms and circuitry that detect voltage and current anomalies rapidly shutting down power preserving devices
- Precise accurate current regulation within 0.2% typical
- Energy saving design with 1-2 year return on investment, based upon electricity savings
- Models available to support DC only and DC/Pulse mode testing
Designed on a modular concept, Vektrex provides systems of SpikeSafe modules. Up to 256 channels of current sources may be integrated into a standard 19″ rack. The STARS (SpikeSafe Test And Reliability Software) application enables operator control of the voltage and current on a per channel basis. Tuning of the SpikeSafe systems to your devices is also handled through the STARS application.

Vektrex systems are tuned and customize systems to our client needs. Special applications include:
- Common anode application
- LM-80-08 compliance
- Calibration and external validation of accuracy
- Fast pulsing (800nS or better)
- Oven synchronization and pause with external triggering
- Customized modulated current waveforms per client recipes
- In-situ Vf monitoring
- In-situ temperature monitoring
- In-situ Tj monitoring
- Rapid, accurate L-I-V readings with triggering
- Thermal control design and build
- Load board design and build