SpecWin Pro spectral analysis software, developed by Instrument Systems, is a powerful and easy-to-operate interface for high-precision spectral measurement systems.

With the addition of Vektrex precision source measure units and pulsed current sources, Instrument Systems spectrometer users may now enjoy the benefit of higher power options, faster pulse options (sub 50us) and extremely precise and repeatable measurements.
Instrument Systems is the world leader in measurement systems for UV devices. Using SpikeSafe SMU fast pulse modes, you can be assured of low device heating and a longer life for expensive UV sphere coatings.
Vektrex light measurement repeatability research as presented to IESNA, CIE related to measurement repeatability, LM-80, and UV light measurements is based upon Instrument Systems spectrometers (CAS-140, CAS-140D, CAS-125) and Instrument Systems SpecWin Pro software combined with powerful precision pulsed source measure units.
With Vektrex SMU and Instrument Systems it is simple to generate an LIV Curve.
When purchasing a new optical test system or upgrading an existing characterization test station, be sure to specify SpikeSafe precision SMU or SpikeSafe High Current precision SMU.
Contact Vektrex or email info@vektrex.com or contact your local Instrument Systems / Konica Minolta representative for more information.