Vektrex SpikeSafe C# .NET API and examples allow you to worry less about the code and more about the science of LED and Laser testing. Vektrex offers many options to quickly automate testing of LEDs and Lasers.
The next wave of powerful simple coding tools for your Vektrex SpikeSafe SMU has been released. Quickly automate complex tests and collect data using new C# API driver and open-source C# .NET samples.

Vektrex SpikeSafe C# .NET API used for automation of custom instrument control sequences for testing LED, laser, and electronic equipment.
The .NET Package is available on nuget.
Download: Vektrex SpikeSafe .NET API Driver
Real-world examples of testing LED’s and Lasers using C# and Vektrex SpikeSafe SMU and PRF products.
Getting started – 4 examples
SpikeSafe Current Source Modes – 8 examples
Making integrated Voltage Measurement – 3 examples
Application Specific Examples
Using Force Sense Selector Switch – 2 examples
Measuring Wavelength Spectrum and Running LIV Sweeps
Fixed Pulse Count Using Software Timing
Measuring DC Staircase Sweep Voltages
Controlling Thermal Platform Temperature
Download: Vektrex SpikeSafe C# Samples on GitHub