MA-tek announced their VCSEL test services. The test system is based upon a Vektrex SMU that provides short pulses.

專業儀器操作,結合顧問與諮詢功能, 正確提供各種試片製備服務,歡迎洽詢! 精確+準確,效率且有效。完整產品線的技術服務。服務: 元件電性故障分析, 元件物性故障分析, 元件結構分析, 材料表面分析, 電子線路顯微手術, 可靠度測試。
MA-Tek offers professional test services, consulting and consulting functions. MA-Tek professional test services are precise, efficient and effective ensuring correct testing for your device and accurate measurement reports that can be relied upon. . Technical services are offered for the complete product line including component electrical failure analysis, component physical failure analysis, component structure analysis, material surface analysis, electronic circuit microsurgery, and reliability testing.