SpikeSafe 200 FP Fast Pulse Current Source

The SS200 FP Fast Pulse is a programmable DC – pulsed current source optimized for OEM and laboratory applications where sensitive optoelectric devices must be driven and monitored. The SS200FP provides DC or precise pulsed current up to 5A with a pulse width to 800nS. The sophisticated SpikeSafe load given in DC and pulsed modes adjust or halt drive current within a few microseconds of a load anomaly, preventing damage to sensitive devices in the load circuit. Precise pulses with less than 1000nA at the off current allow accurate L-I-V testing.

Features and Benefits

  • 0-5A
  • CW or QCW
  • Single or Mulitple Source Channel
  • Duty cycle 0-100% minimum pulse width 800ns
  • Compliance Voltage to 100V


SpikeSafe 200 Fast Pulse Datasheet